View of the Nichol's pond on a sunny fall day
View of the Nichol's pond on a sunny fall day

Report an Outage

CALL: 888.472.5201

My Account

Hardwick Electric Department has made it easy to access your account information and make your payment.

Customer Service

CALL: 802.472.5201
Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:00pm

Welcome To The Town Of Hardwick Electric Department

The Town of Hardwick Electric Department (HED) is a not for profit, locally owned municipal electric utility and is a component of the Town of Hardwick Municipal Corporation. We are governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners and serve approximately 4,350 customers in eleven Vermont towns with approximately 325 miles of transmission/distribution facilities. HED’s staff works where you work, shops where you shop, and we raise our families in the same communities where our customers raise their families.

HED has a proud history of providing electric service to our customers since 1897. In 1912 HED began serving customers with power generated at our Lamoille River hydroelectric facility in Wolcott, Vermont.

This renewable energy facility has been improved and maintained for over 110 years, and the 1,000-kilowatt generator presently provides 10% of all energy needs for HED customers annually.

Meet Our New General Manager

It’s Cold Outside

Hardwick Electric Department customers can get money back on electric vehicles, heat pumps, and other items that help reduce fossil fuel use.
Learn more here:

We have an app now! Click here for more information.

Our Mission

To provide reliable and affordable electric power, as well as to support the well being of Hardwick and the communities we serve through exceptional service.

Tariffs + Forms

Tariffs + Forms

Vegetation Management

Vegetation Management

Utility Standards

Utility Standards



Contact Us

Phone: 802.472.5201
Fax: 802.472.6769

Report an Outage: 888.472.5201

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 516
Hardwick, VT 05843

Hardwick Electric Logo

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