About Us
HED has a proud history of providing electric service to our customers since 1897. In 1912 HED began serving customers with power generated at our Lamoille River hydroelectric facility in Wolcott, Vermont. This renewable energy facility has been improved and maintained for over 110 years, and the 1,000-kilowatt generator presently provides 10% of all energy needs for HED customers annually.
Click here to see HED’s energy resources.
H11 Project
In 2021, HED added the H11 (named for Hardwick and the eleven towns served by HED) to our energy portfolio. This is a ten-acre 1,650 kilowatt PV solar generation facility and will provide 6% of all energy needs for HED customers annually. The project was developed on behalf of all HED customers, and the cost for the energy generated is less than half the cost of net metering energy. This fact is a critical component in helping HED meet one of our most important goals – which is to provide reliable and affordable electric power services. H11 is just one of HED’s overall renewable energy portfolio which includes nuclear, hydroelectric, landfill gas, other solar, as well as Vermont Standard Offer generation plants.
Hardwick Electric Department is a member of Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA).
Since 1979, VPPSA has been providing services and solutions to municipal electric utilities across Vermont. VPPSA offers wholesale power supply, financial support, IT support, rate planning, legislative and regulatory representation, and more. Learn more about VPPSA: www.vppsa.com
Hardwick Electric Department customers can get money back on electric vehicles, heat pumps, and other items that help reduce fossil fuel use. Learn more here: www.vppsa.com/rebates
Heard about heat pumps but not sure if it’s the right fit for you? @EfficiencyVT is sharing stories from Vermonters who have made the switch. https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/blog/your-story/3-stories-that-show-that-heat-pump-systems-work-in-vermont-homes

If your electric power is off, please try the following:
Check your service panel..are any breakers/fuses open? Turn your main breaker all the way off and then back on.
**Please note that your main breaker may be outside at your meter location**
If you cannot remedy the problem and need to call the HED Outage Center for assistance, please be prepared to provide your name, account number and physical location.
The dispatcher has a list of questions which must be completed as part of the critical step of obtaining important information for crews to restore your service as quickly and safely as possible.
Contact Us
Phone: 802.472.5201
Fax: 802.472.6769
Report an Outage: 888.472.5201
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 516
Hardwick, VT 05843

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