Dig Safe® is a not-for-profit clearinghouse that notifies participating utility companies of your plans to dig. In turn, these utilities (or their contract locating companies) respond to mark out the location of their underground facilities. Dig Safe is a free service, funded entirely by its member utility companies.
Efficiency VT
Efficiency Vermont provides technical assistance, rebates, and other financial incentives to help Vermont households and businesses reduce their energy costs with energy-efficient equipment, lighting, and approaches to construction and major renovation.
Fuel Assistance / Crisis Fuel Programs
The Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) provides a wide array of programs and services.
Vermont Department of Public Service
The Public Service Department (PSD) is an agency within the executive branch of Vermont state government, and is charged with representing the public interest in energy, telecommunications, water and wastewater utility matters.
Vermont Public Service Board
The Vermont Public Service Board is a quasi-judicial board that supervises the rates, quality of service, and overall financial management of Vermont’s public utilities: cable television, electric, gas, telecommunications, water and large wastewater companies.
VPPSA provides wholesale power supply to municipals and cooperatives in and outside of Vermont, as well as a host of other services such as rate studies, central computer services, load forecasting, and tax free financing of certain capital projects.
VT Outages
View a matrix of all utility outages by county. You can also view up to two weeks of state-wide outage history.